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January 20, 2004 - 8:08 a.m.

It�s 0730 and I am in the office curled up with morning solitude and coffee. I have been hear nearly and hour and am generally caught up on the day so I figured this would be a nice weekend recap moment.

No SCA this weekend � I took it off. When I say that took the weekend off from SCA I mean I didn�t check my email or my voicemail either. I am sure that tonight when I sit down to read those more than a hundred unread messages and return who knows ho many phone calls I will regret that decision of irresponsibility. But, in the mean time it felt really really good to do. And I feel recharged as a result. I hope that the renewed feeling stick around longer than time spent catching up from it all.

Friday night found me under my truck checking and adjusting the front breaks that were installed the weekend before. I have discovered that I have actually missed tinkering with a vehicle. My first two cars were VW bugs that came to me � some assembly required. Bless my Uncle Bob fro putting me in a situation where I HAD to learn about cars. Makes for much literate conversations with the dealership when you are not based entirely on statements that start �When I do this one thing it makes this noise like this *insert bizarre noises into the phone here*� Yeah, anyway � truck all happy.

Saturday was another outing devoted to wine. This was a barrel tasting over at Rappahannock Cellars. The plan had been for me to do the sleeping in thing and then be there by 3 in the afternoon (slightly more than an hour from the house). It seems that mother nature had other plans in the form of sleet and other nastiness coming in afternoon/evening. So we adapted and went to the 1130 tasting. Actually once you get past the fact that you are tasting all manner of wines before lunch, it turned out quite well. There were only a few people there so John (the winemaker) was inclined to bring out a greater variety of things and to chat endlessly. It was grand. And we even made it home before the weather turned.

Saturday evening was apparently so unremarkable that I don�t remember what I did with it � how terribly sad. I think there was laundry involved in there somewhere, perhaps it is better that I don�t remember it then.

Sunday I had a duty crew at the station. Now most weekend crew time I spend is a study in sloth. As in go, watch some TV, maybe run a call, eat something less than good for you, pop in a movie, consider doing something productive then veto the idea, perhaps another call � or not � you get the drift. But not this weekend. Whew! I was a paperwork doing fool. I got SO MUCH done. Of course it is a statement on how things were that there was so much to get done. Ah well. Secretary paperwork for the getting all the 2004 books and records sorted and such. Lt. paperwork and filing to do. But my mailbox is once again functionally empty and I have a binder of organized paperwork in place of the scary pile. Oh and yeah � we ran 3 calls too. Not to shabby for a 10 hour day. The evening was much LESS productive. Chuck and I went out to dinner. Mmmm, steak.

Yesterday was a holiday for me. So in good holiday tradition � I slept. Slept like the dead. Slept in late in the morning, got up puttered and then decided it was time for a nap or two. Watched a DVD and then, you guessed it � took another nap. Got up did a few brief errands (Cause I had no food with which to assemble anything that could be called dinner). At this point napping was pretty much out of the question, so I had a short very productive streak (caulked some windows and hung new wooden blinds, *bliss*)before going to bed. What more can you ask from a holiday?

So the net of it all, not that anyone has made it this far in my account of a thoroughly domesticated and extremely unexciting weekend is � my home is slightly better than it was to start the weekend, my truck is in good running order, and I have had more sleep. Nothing sexy, nothing exciting but I could so do with a long string of weekends like this!

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