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July 01, 2002 - 9:34 a.m.

Most of my last week was spent in New Jersey, Atlantic City to be specific, for a conference for work.  It was eye opening and tres informative about how the FAA works and how some things interrelate over there.  Glad I went, wish it had been local.  Atlantic City was nice I suppose, there were a lot of good meals that involved seafood.  Now speaking as one that eats shellfish but nothing squishy that swims ... this can be a somewhat limiting thing.  I was glad to get home Thursday night.

Friday was a rough day for a lot of folks that I know at WorldCom.  Or knew at wcom.  It was very odd.  I have this section on my trillian window for old co-workers, the gang from wcom.  Throughout the morning I would watch people login like normal and then not long after that the logouts began.  All told I saw about 40% of those in my contact section logout.  Makes me even more glad that I got out when I did.  'Sides, I like my new job. It is still very new to me and I still have some learning curve, but I think I like this place a lot.

This weekend I was supposed to go to an event in Caer Mear.  (I am sorry Byram).  But as Friday wore on, I found that what I really wanted to do was to be in my own home.  Not working on something for the SCA.  Now I truly love my hobby, don't get me wrong, and there were a lot of people that I was looking forward to seeing, but I needed this weekend for me.  And what a weekend it was.

Friday night turned into movie night.  Rags and  went to see Minority Report.  I like it very much ... all 2.5 hours of it. There were some things I would have handled differently, others that i would have preferred to see more fully explained.  But all things considered, I dug it.  Once again Spielberg used the technology, it didn't use him.  You have to respect that in a film.

Saturday was all about sleeping in WAY too late, then puttering about, getting the Narr out the door so that he could go down to the last bit  of the event and then get time with the guys.  Me ... I read a book.  A whole book in one sitting.  I used to do that a lot but I find that I don't have that kind of time anymore.  *sigh*  There is a form of pure decadence in eating a book.  Curling up with it and turning off the planet for some amount of time.  It was great.

Then to further the revelment of my weekend I spent the greater part of Saturday puttering in my garden.  I love gardening and I never get to doing it.  There is a pure and simple joy that comes from dirty hands and dusty knees.  Of dirt under my nails and plants in the ground.  Of putting things in all small and watching them grow though the season to the point where they seem to take over a part of the yard.  This years annuals - Pale Purple Petunias.  The alliteration was too much to pass up, and Rags likes purple things.  In addition to putting them in I added some soaker hose to that bed to make watering more of a simple todo item than a full out chore.  This part was lots of fun as it was really hot by that part of the day.

Mmmm, bubble bath.

Sunday was more practical but not much.  I got a few basic errands done.  Wandered though Target and indulged my need to buy some baby things for the current baby boom that is going on up here.  You know they make WAY too many things that make serious noise for small children.  And what is UP with the plush toy cell phone???

Rags came home and brought me 2 huge things of the fresh salsa from my happy mexican restaurant in Richmond.  He is so wonderful.  I had salsa and chips for dinner.  Decadent and a fitting finish to my weekend.

In summary, no I did not get updates made to the structure of the chirurgeon database.  I did not get the pattern research done that I intended.  My sewing sits just where it was Friday afternoon when I had some good intention of working like a beaver all weekend.  I did pay the bills, cause some things don't do well to put off.  I cleaned the kitchen for my soul, but left the bathroom for some other time.  I called my mother and napped in a sunbeam with my cats.  It was a good weekend.

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