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December 03, 2001 - 3:43 p.m.

Well UnEvent was this weekend, but really as far as my weekend went � UnEvent was incidental. I mean yeah, it was the reason that I would up going to North Carolina in the first place (don�t do the math on here to Durham by 10AM � it means getting up too damn early. Thank you sweetie for driving and letting me nap), but my weekend was really [!] much about business meetings and [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] much about friends, conversation, and good relaxation.

Got to see Eldred and Clare. Briefly, but did see them and got in a few hugs. On the way home Chuck and I discussed finding a weekend to go down and bond with them. Miss them. On the down side, I missed seeing James and Mitake. It seems that they voted for sleeping in and I voted for bailing early on the day. Like ships passing in the night �

So Cuan drove Padraiga up, swapped her out for Chuck and they went to Zack Whites for leather. Yes they went off shopping and didn�t send anyone too the poorhouse as a result. Padraiga and I did the good Chirurgeon thing, and had our meeting. Painless, pleasant. Some of the more troublesome of folk were not there. :) Happy happy.

Then we were off. Stop by a baby shower, to the grocery and then to �home� I will note that Padraiga had been dropped of the bed by her husband (her sorry to tell not mine) earlier in the day and was having back issues. She rapidly falls from our tale � in the form of a napping ball on the sofa.

MUCH SEWING!!! There that describes the rest of my weekend. You see, for the first time in many years � perhaps ever. I have begun my 12th night insanity early. That is right, early. This counterbalances some of the craziness that is planned. Suffice to say, I buried the living room in materials, used up spools of thread and Byram offered to take the mostly done article of clothing that will grow up to belong to my Ragnarr. My overdress is cut out and serged.

Michelle came up and started assembly for her first 10-gore. For a beginner she is FAB! She will look lovely at 12th night. Padraiga made yummy potato soup and much progress on 12th night gifts. Byram and Ragnarr worked on body armour out in the garage. It is much nicer looking now (and therefore more likely to get worn all the time).

Net from my weekend. I got good sleep, got good progress on projects done, and got to do both while spending time with friends. We won�t mention the cold that I seem to have come home with � WENDY.

I have the mouse.

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