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February 05, 2003 - 2:24 p.m.

Some weekends are better than others, and unfortunately for me this was one of those that was not on the better side of things.  But this entry is not about anixt and my action packed and stress filled weekend.  Quite the reverse, it is about some truly wonderful gifts I was given on Monday that really put a lot of my weekend in to a fine sense of balance.

Gift 1 � Friends that will forgive, let you say your piece and trust you anyway.  Someone called me and faced me pissed and irritated with the world and made sure that we were okay with each other.  That takes personal courage and guts.  Someone else forgave me for being an ass and let me make sure what we were okay with each other.  That too takes personal courage and guts.  Bottom line, I have some of the most supportive friends and wonderful people in my life that it stuns me at times.

Gift 2 � Rock solid love from my sweetie.

Gift 3 � Monday night I was hooking up cardiac leads on an AED (automatic external defibulator) to a patient.  I was moving through the steps and listening to �Stand clear, analyzing � shock advised � stand clear � shocking�
That will put lots of things into perspective won�t it?  I can�t tell you all how good it feels to be back in an ambulance.  I am getting back to giving back something real and something tangible.  These are some of my roots folks, it feels good to be grounded again.

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