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September 16, 2002 - 4:38 p.m.

I think I need to get back to doing yoga more often.  Today my back feels like a rubber band stretched and waiting to snap (wouldn't that just be a messy thing).  Of course that creates the question of when?  I could get up even earlier in the morning ... yeah right.  Or I could stay up later, making it far to easy to just get sleepy and skip it.  Looks like the alarm time is getting moved back again.

Had to move it back a few weeks ago to compensate for the changes in traffic patterns.  Who would have think that schools returning to session would have made such a horrible difference to my commute?  But it did.  They tell me it is not so much school per se but because of school everyone is working and not vacationing.  All the parents are going in not telecommuting and getting in on time.  I guess that means that the lazy days of summer really are over).  One morning last week my 40 minute commute was 80 minutes due to "additional volume and sunlight"  The next morning it was just as long due to "additional volume and light rain"  I tell you sometimes it seems that I can't win for loosing.  But today I got out 15 minutes earlier and got into the office in 45 minutes.  I guess that will be permanent change.  (Until school lets back out at least)

Last week was a pretty normal week for me, well normal at the office that is.  In the evenings last week it was anything but that.  I did nothing.  Went nowhere, had no one over.  Heck I did no projects and no housecleaning.  I did come home from the office and putter about a bit with this or that, and I read some.  But mostly it was a glorious week of irresponsibility, sloth and time in a sunbeam with the cats.  Everyone needs one of those weeks from time to time.  I am much better for it.

With a week like that it would have been a crime to ruin it with an overly productive weekend.  So I didn't.  Instead my parents were in town for parts.  That is my father had a convention to go to on saturday so they came up Friday night, he went to his convention and I got Mom for the day.  We puttered about and went to some craft stores - the Michael's Crafts up here is 4x larger than the one she is used to frequenting and she was looking for some very specific things - which we found.  :)

She also had a number of digital photos from her recent Northern Lights cruise that she wanted to show me.  Some chunk of the afternoon was spent doing some photo editing and CD burning.  But she wanted printouts.  Well my color printer outdates my cats and 3 jobs and definitely was not up to the task.  Undaunted, Mom declared that I needed a new one and off we went.  I now have a shiny new Canon S900 in my office that prints truly spiffy pictures and will even bond directly to my camera (also a Canon) if I get around to installing the updated firmware on that bit.  So now I can actually PRINT some of the fab shots I have gotten recently.  Somehow that is still more satisfying than having them on a CD,  viewable on-screen or on my palm.  I guess in my heart of hearts there is still a large chunk of me that is a throwback.  *shrug*  There are far worse things I could be.

Sunday was rainy and gray and a perfect day for not having any responsibilities.  The sip a cup of tea and lounge in jammies after sleeping in day that never seems to come often enough.  Unfortunately for me sleeping in only lasted until 8 but I made up for that by curling up to read a whole book.  Haven't done that in AGES.  Love books, given the chance (and fewer hobbies) I could be a hard core book addict.  Picture it - me broke and on the street trying to live in a box, but not able to fit in the box for all of the books around me.  Good thing I have hobbies.  For those that are curious the book of the day was The Reckoning, by Sharon Kay Penman.  The last in a historical fiction trilogy about England and Wales.  Good read, I have been meaning to get to it for years and am glad I finally did.

After indulging one habit I moved onto the next ... carving.  Got a lot of work done on my never ending coronet project.  In fact I started the day by obliterating all the work that I had done up to this point and beginning again.  I am much happier with the current set of results and believe that I will actually finish it this time.  That is not to say that there aren't 200 things I will change in the "next time" I do this and 300 things I would like to do better, but by god I am going to finish this one.  Look for it at Crusades - yeah that should give me time to get the enameling done and assemble it all together ... I hope.

Dinner out and then trying to watch football.  Now you have to understand ... football is something that I only 50% understand.  I was a Hokies fan in college but I think that had more to do with being a part of the rescue squad and well I was there anyway, it is just easier to like it and be a part of the madness.  (By the way the Hokies are now ranked #7 after their most recent win Thursday night)  The Steelers ... Chuck is all about the Steelers and I do try to understand, really I do. To that end I have decided that it is not a bad thing for me to try to curl up on the sofa and watch a game.  Not be in the same room doing something else and vaguely there ... but WATCH a football game.   Unfortunately they keep playing these later evening games and I keep falling asleep before they end.  I have tied 2 weeks in a row now to bond with the Narr over football but when it is late and you can't be sure just why he is pulling out hair over some call that you didn't see anyway ... sleep ... nap, just a short nap.  I do know that they were loosing and I do know that is because there were lots of guys screwing up.  Sorry sweetie, I will make it though one game before the season is out I promise.

And I will leave all of you readers with this interesting article.  Basically 4 x faster than light transmission of electric pulses over coaxial cable (like cable tv stuff).  Okay so it's  impractical but still impressive.  All this and I still can't get a high speed internet connection in my home.  Got to love technology!

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