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June 23, 2004 - 8:12 a.m.

There is a certain quiet bliss to the fact that it is about 8am, I have been in the office for approaching an hour now and my time sheet is done, my email is checked; heck I am even current on diaries. Now this seems like a very very simple thing to be happy about as I sit here munching on some apple oatmeal but you see I have had system problems plague my month of June. PC problem, you name it I have had it this month. First it was a VPN client that wouldn�t play nice, the speakers that died, the applications that ran slow, then connectivity issues, then the hard drive failure, and then the mouse that died. Now I am happily (well mostly happily, not happy about the massive loss of time I don�t have) writing from a new hard drive, rebuilt and updated system and after 24 hours � it still works (sadly that is a milestone in how long I can keep a system running this month). But all is good and I likes it that way!

Last night I got to have a very pleasant blast from the past dinner. Sean, Jeremy and I went out for Thai food and good conversation. After dinner they came back to my place and Jerm played in my bookshelf for a while before I kicked them out so I could fall over and sleep. Like any good old black diamond meal conversation was freely peppered with puns, entertaining insults, and obscure references to days bygone. Truly a great meal.

My weekend was one of mostly relaxation and catch up. Some minor yard work got done (my electric mower finally kicked up it�s feet and had to be replaced. The replacement is very red, very shiny and loud!). I puttered around the house, watched parts of old movies as they came on TV, The best part of my weekend - no drama. No firehouse drama, no funerals, no anyone calling me cause they just had a relationship altering fight with their so-and-so. Bliss, quiet bliss.

Sunday I did the good daughter thing and met my folks in Richmond (approximately the 1/2 way point between our homes) for a Father�s Day lunch. Randomly we wound up at Hill City Chop House over by Virginia Center Commons mall. It was quiet good and the service was EXCELLENT. As a result we wound up lingering over lunch for some absurd amount of time approaching three hours. FWIW, I recommend the beer and cheese soup. Odd, but compelling.

Well as I said, lost a lot of time I don�t have this month working on systems issues instead of reading documents and writing deliverables. Must re-apply nose to grindstone.

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